Heartwood is reddish brown, sometimes with colored streaks; slightly paler sapwood isn’t always clearly demarcated from the heartwood. Freshly sawn surfaces can have a lighter olive hue, with color darkening to a deeper reddish brown with age.
Scientific name:
Hymenolobium petraeum duke Leguminosae.
General Characteristics:
The wood is easy to angelim worked. Finishing in fair to good planer, lathe and drill.
Trade Names:
Angelim, angelim yellow,
The wood Angelim, being heavy and high mechanical properties, can be used for interior finishes, outbuildings, window frames, faqueadas leaves, sticks and planks for floors, cars, wagons, sleeper.
Heartwood is reddish brown, sometimes with colored streaks; slightly paler sapwood isn’t always clearly demarcated from the heartwood. Freshly sawn surfaces can have a lighter olive hue, with color darkening to a deeper reddish brown with age.